Workplace Online Alpha

Alpha report – Week 4 This was a disappointing session at one level with numbers down from 15 to 9.  There were good reasons why some couldn’t be there – one was going on maternity and another was visiting a remote site. However, there was a glitch in setting up our online meeting which meant […]

University Testimony

Prior to receiving a job at a University, I worked in the Financial Services sector. In my previous workplaces there were well established Christian workplace groups who met monthly and shared fellowship together.   When I started at the University it took me a year to find another Christian. We started to meet together with one […]

EIDO Impact Survey Results

Thanks to Stewardship Services who funded this project, Transform Work UK were able to work with Eido Research to devise an Impact Survey that was filled out by 240 Christian Workplace Groups across the UK.   Thank you to those Groups that took time to fill out the questionnaire.  We hope you enjoy watching the findings […]

Testimonies when people pray

My Christian Group in the London Mayor’s Office

Meet Lola who heads up the Christian Workplace Group in the Greater London Authority.  No stopping this group Celebrating Easter this year despite Coronavirus by using MS Teams.  Find out more about their group.

My Christian Group in E.ON

Wonder what you get up to in your Christian Workplace Group?  Send us a little video, we’d love to share with others.

Celebrating Christmas in your Organisation during Covid

Ideas for your Christian Workplace Group on how to celebrate Christmas in your organisation during Covid. Please come prepared to share good practice as well as learn from others. Date: Tuesday, 13 October⋅ Time: 5:00 – 6:00pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 937 3355 6283 Host:  

Local Authority Christian Network – Thursday 3rd June 2021

We hosted our first online Zoom meeting for Christians working in Local Authorities during lock down.  It was great to have Christians employees of councils from York  to Somerset and many others in-between on the call!! It was exciting to be able to hear good news from fellow council workers as well as pray together.  […]

Local Authority Christian Network – Tuesday 9th March 2021

We hosted our first online Zoom meeting for Christians working in Local Authorities during lock down.  It was great to have Christians employees of councils from York  to Somerset and many others in-between on the call!! It was exciting to be able to hear good news from fellow council workers as well as pray together.  […]