Thames Valley Workplace Network – September

How is your Christian Workplace Group going? Lets come together to talk and pray about our groups and share and encourage each other. Date: Monday 28th September Time: 7:30 – 8:30pm Register:  using the following eventbrite link Host:

Local Authority Christian Network

If you work for a Local Authroity and would like to meet with other Christians in councils contact  Our next zoom meeting will be in September.  Don’t miss out! Local Authority Christian Network We hosted our first online Zoom meeting for Christians working in Local Authorities this month.  We had people on the call […]

Don’t give up the habit of meeting together!

Paul, who wrote a good chunk of the bible, said don’t give up the habit of meeting together (Hebrews 10:25).  And at Transform Work UK we are so keen to encourage you!  Keep meeting online with your Christian Workplace Group, even if you can’t meet in person.  Your organisation … and the nation … needs […]

Christians in Government Prayer

In this time of shaking we are grateful for your prayers that God would move and do what only He can do! We are also encouraging the ramping up of prayer. During this time, we will be sharing prayer points, invitations to virtual meetings, and encouragement from our members. If you want to hear more regularly […]

10 Comforting Bible Verses During COVID-19

Thank you to Southwark Christian Network supplying the following Bible verse that you might like to use in your virtual Christian Workplace Group meetings . 1. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. No matter […]

Here for you, Praying for you

Response of a Christian Council Staff Network Group based in London Southwark Christian Network supporting colleagues at difficult times like these. As we prepare to fight Coronavirus through practical measures, Southwark Christian Network is also praying for the health and wellbeing of all staff and their families, for senior management and the many critical decisions […]

Ideas for Groups: Covid-19

 Ideas for virtual meetings Don’t give up the habit of meeting together. Your organisation needs you now more than ever to help colleagues’ well-being and mental health by connecting and supporting each other through prayer at this time.   Here for you, praying for you Show your colleagues that you care for them at this […]

Heaven in Healthcare

Transform Work UK was invited to Eastgate Church in Gravesend Kent to speak at the Heaven in Healthcare Conference. It was a real privilege to share testimonies of God at work through Christian Workplace Groups in organisations across the UK.  We focused on hospital groups and the impact they are having on the NHS, especially […]

Reducing Stress for Colleagues in the Council

A Christian Workplace Group helping to reduce stress amongst colleagues. Grace is the leader of the Christian Workplace Group in Sefton Council.  Transform Work UK have supported the growth of this group for a number of years.  It was great to hear how they are connecting with the council to reduce stress amongst colleagues and […]

God at Work in Merseyside

The Gladstone’s Tree of Life café provided the venue for an evening Transform Work UK workshop in central Liverpool. Steve and Grace, who run the Christian group at Sefton Council, led the event which focused on Christians who may be struggling in the workplace. Ros inspired us with a national perspective on workplace groups.  You […]